GEE for American Express Global Network

American Express Global Network

Delivering a compelling sales deck for the competitive retail banking landscape.

American Express Global Network’s sales and marketing team was gearing up for a major sales presentation for one of Singapore’s largest retailers, Robinsons Singapore, and commercial bank OCBC. Our team had a tight three days to finalise a compelling deck. They faced a significant challenge as the content was scattered across diverse sources, formats,and team members. To address this, AMEX enlisted GEE to consolidate and synthesise the vast, disparate information into a unified, cohesive presentation.

GEE for American Express Global Network Robinsons Card
Corporate Collateral Design
GEE for American Express Global Network workshop
GEE for American Express Global Network Digital

Within less than 24 hours of receiving data and information, our team synthesised American Express Global Network’s unique position as a robust global network, forming a design narrative around reach and reliability. We delivered an 80-page presentation deck within the tight time frame to showcase the potential partnership opportunities for Robinsons Singapore, highlighting network capabilities, acquisition expertise, products and digital innovations. 

GEE’s short turnaround is just another instance of GEE’s commitment to our clients’ businesses, demonstrating our team’s efficiency in delivering precisely crafted, persuasive content that aligns with the strategic goals of a global payment network and its potential partners, even within the tightest deadlines.